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Understand what makes your phone ring with CallRail

05 September 2019

Understand what makes your phone ring with CallRail
Understand what makes your phone ring with CallRail

Ever wonder which of your marketing efforts are actually making your phone ring? You're not alone. For many businesses, especially tradies like plumbers, this is a real head-scratcher. After all, most customers prefer to pick up the phone rather than fill out a form when they need a blocked drain fixed pronto!

At Refuel, we're always on the hunt for clever ways to solve these marketing mysteries. That's why we've teamed up with CallRail, a call tracking solution that helps you figure out exactly where your calls are coming from.

This doesn’t just help you understand where to maximise your marketing investment, it also helps you understand where your bad leads are coming from. Don’t waste a cent on marketing!

Call analytics are critical if phone calls are the action you’re trying to drive from potential customers. Let's look at CallRail’s call tracking software and see how it can help measure your phone conversions.


What’s CallRail all about?

Think of CallRail as your personal detective for phone calls. It's a cloud-based platform that helps you track which campaigns and keywords are driving valuable phone calls. No more guessing games – you'll know exactly which marketing efforts are paying off.

But how does it work its magic? Let's break it down:

  1. Unique tracking numbers: CallRail gives you a pool of unique phone numbers. These aren't just any old numbers – they're local to your area, so they look familiar to your customers.
  2. Number assignment: You assign these different numbers to various marketing channels or campaigns. For example, you might use one number for your Google Ads, another for your Facebook ads, and a third for your billboard downtown.
  3. Dynamic number insertion: This clever trick means CallRail can show different numbers to different visitors based on how they found your site. Someone clicks through from a Google Ad? They'll see one number. Someone arrives from an organic search? They'll see another.
  4. Call forwarding: Here's the best part – all of these numbers forward to your main business line. So you're not juggling multiple phones or changing how you answer calls. It's business as usual for you and your team.
  5. Data collection: When a call comes in, CallRail logs which number was dialled. This tells you exactly which marketing channel or campaign prompted the call.
  6. Detailed analytics: But it doesn't stop there. CallRail captures a wealth of data about each call. Track the duration, the caller's location, even a recording of the call if you want. For web visitors, it can track their journey through your site before, during, and after the call. You can even separate callers based on whether they’re calling for the first time or are repeat callers.
  7. Keyword-level tracking: If someone finds you through a Google search, CallRail can even tell you which specific keywords they used. Talk about detailed intel!
  8. Integration: All this juicy data integrates seamlessly with your other marketing tools, like HubSpot. So you can see the full picture of your marketing efforts, from first click to final conversion.

By using these call tracking numbers, CallRail gives you a crystal-clear view of which marketing efforts are really making your phone ring. It's like having x-ray vision for your marketing campaigns!

And the best part? All of this happens behind the scenes. Your customers just see a normal phone number and dial it like they would any other. They have no idea they're helping you gather valuable marketing data with every call.

So whether you're wondering if that expensive billboard is worth it, or are trying to prove the value of PPC, CallRail's tracking numbers can give you the answers you need. It's like turning on the lights in a dark room – suddenly, you can see exactly what's working and what's not in your marketing efforts.


Why should you care about call tracking?

If your business relies on phone calls (we're looking at you, tradies!), call tracking is an absolute must-have in your marketing toolkit. Here's why:

  • Understand what makes your phone ring: Different phone numbers for different marketing channels let you see which ones are bringing in the calls.
  • Improve lead quality: By tracking calls down to the keyword level, you can figure out which search terms are bringing in your best leads. No more wasting money on ads that don't deliver!
  • Track online and offline channels: Whether it's a Google ad or a billboard, CallRail can tell you which marketing efforts are working.
  • Website call tracking: See which pages on your site are prompting visitors to pick up the phone.
  • Keyword-level insights: CallRail can even tell you which specific keywords led to a call from your website. How cool is that?


But what about Google's call tracking?

Good question! While Google does offer some call tracking features, they have a few drawbacks:

  1. Number swapping: Google's system changes numbers so quickly that you might end up getting calls for unrelated businesses. Awkward!
  2. Missed calls: Methods like Google Analytics events don't catch every call. For example, if someone looks at your site on their computer but then dials the number on their mobile, that call won't be tracked.
  3. Limited data: Google's tracking doesn't give you the same level of detail as CallRail, especially when it comes to keyword-level insights.

These drawbacks mean that if you rely on Google’s own call tracking, or Google Analytics events on their own, you’re not seeing the whole picture. You’re not tracking every call. This means not only do you not know what’s working, you don’t know where those frustrating bad leads are actually coming from.


How CallRail works its magic

CallRail uses a clever trick to track your calls. It gives you multiple unique local phone numbers that you can use for different marketing campaigns. These numbers all forward to your main business line, so you answer calls just like you always have. No need for fancy new equipment!

Here's an example: Let's say you're a plumber running ads on Google, Facebook, and in the local newspaper. You'd use a different CallRail number for each of these. When the calls start rolling in, you'll know exactly which ad prompted each one. Genius, right?


But wait, there's more!

CallRail isn't just about tracking calls. It's got a whole toolkit of features to help you manage your phone-based marketing:

  • Multi-country call tracking: Track calls in every country you do business, with local numbers in each one.
  • Call routing: Make sure calls get to the right person every time.
  • Lead scoring: Identify your hottest leads quickly.
  • Call recording: Listen back to calls to improve your customer service.
  • SMS messaging: Communicate with customers via text.
  • Voicemail transcriptions: Never miss an important message.


The real value of call tracking: data gold

If your marketing goal is to make phones ring, call tracking isn't just nice to have – it's essential. And for tradies like plumbers and sparkies, CallRail can unearth a treasure trove of data you might be missing out on right now.

Think about it: traditionally, businesses use the same phone number everywhere – on their website, online ads, even billboards. But when a call comes in, how do you know where it came from? Was it your Google ad, your Facebook post, or that snazzy new billboard?

That's where CallRail's clever trick comes in. By using different phone numbers for different marketing channels, you can pinpoint exactly where each call originated. It's like having a crystal ball for your marketing efforts!

But wait, there's more! CallRail doesn't just tell you where calls are coming from. It gives you a complete timeline of what a website visitor did before, during, and after they picked up the phone. It's like being able to peek over your customer's shoulder as they interact with your business.

And here's the kicker – CallRail works for businesses of all sizes, from the local sparky to big corporations. It's perfect for anyone who wants to make their marketing more data-driven.

You can use it for digital marketing, sure, but don't forget about offline strategies too. Those billboards, newspaper ads, and business cards? Yep, CallRail can track those calls too.

So whether you're a digital marketing whiz or just dipping your toes into the world of advertising, CallRail has got you covered. It's not just call tracking – it's a complete toolkit for understanding and improving your phone-based marketing.

Remember, in this digital age, phone calls are still a crucial part of many businesses. Don't let this valuable data slip through your fingers. With CallRail, you can tap into a wealth of information about your phone interactions, helping you make smarter marketing decisions and ultimately, grow your business.


The ROI of call tracking

By measuring your phone leads with CallRail, you’re not just tracking calls - you’re tracking your return on investment. By knowing exactly which campaigns are driving valuable calls, you can allocate your marketing budget more effectively.

This means you can double down on what’s working and cut back on what’s not potentially saving thousands in wasted ad spend.

If you use HubSpot, you can even integrate HubSpot with CallRail to track the influence your phone activity has on your deals. Know where the best deals come from!

All of this means the CallRail investment, from AU$60/month, can save you much more than that, and make you money in the long run.


Why Refuel loves CallRail

As proud CallRail partners, we use this call tracking solution to measure the success of all kinds of campaigns in real-time. It's become a crucial part of our Google Ads campaigns, helping us track return on investment down to the last dollar.

We love how easy it is to set up new numbers for different purposes. Plus, CallRail plays nicely with other tools we use, like HubSpot and Databox, so we can bring all your data together in one place.

Ready to solve your call tracking mystery?

If you're tired of wondering which marketing efforts are really making your phone ring, it's time to give CallRail a go. As CallRail partners, we can help you set up and make the most of this powerful call tracking solution.

Getting started is easier than you think. As CallRail partners, we’ve helped dozens of businesses just like yours setup and make the most of call tracking. We handle all the technical details, so you can focus on what you do best - running your business. And with our expertise, you’ll be up and running in no time, gathering valuable insights from day one.

Want to chat about how CallRail could work for your business? Give us a bell! We offer a free exploratory call to talk about your marketing ideas and how we can help you track your success. Let's turn those ring-ring-rings into cha-ching-chings!

Ryan Jones

Ryan is the Founder & CEO of Refuel Creative. He's a HubSpot certified marketer and SEO expert.